Call for abstracts

NetSci, the International School and Conference on Network Science, is the flagship conference of the Network Science Society. It brings under one umbrella a wide variety of leading researchers, practitioners, and stakeholders with a direct interest in Network Science, from Physics to Computer Science, Biology, Social Sciences, Economics, and Technological and Communication Networks, among others.

We are looking forward to seeing the best of your new insights into network science at the International School and Conference on Network Science 2025, in Maastricht, the Netherlands, to be held from June 2 to 6, 2025. The conference focuses on interdisciplinary research on all aspects of network science and modeling, ranging from foundational works to applications in various disciplines.

How to Apply

Submit your abstract via the Microsoft CMT submission system HERE.

We invite you to submit a one-page abstract including one (mandatory) descriptive figure and references by the end of December 9, 2024 (anywhere on earth). We welcome submissions for the following presentation formats: contributed talks (regular presentations in parallel sessions), lightning talks (shorter presentations in plenary sessions), and posters.

During the submission process, please indicate your preferred presentation format. We look forward to receiving your submissions!

Abstract Requirements:

One-page abstracts should include text, one figure with caption and [selected] references. Each submission should be submitted in Adobe’s Portable Document Format (PDF) and formatted using the provided abstract template. You can download the LaTeX template here or see the a PDF example here.

Accepted abstracts require in-person presentation by one author, who can present a maximum of one accepted abstract in the main conference, and must register by the early-bird registration deadline.

Any questions about abstract submissions can be sent to: